Angel tagged me. This will be interesting. I don't even know who else to tag (since everyone I know has already been tagged), so I may not be able to follow the rules. We'll see!
Here are the rules:
a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blog.
e. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
1. I am a good direction giver. Everyone always asks me how to get places because I can tell them shortcuts, quicker ways, and landmarks to get them exactly there, and usually there aren't any problems (unless they weren't really paying attention and get lost anyway).
2. When AJ and I went to the Bahamas for our "honeymoon" (a year after we got married) we actually didn't like the Bahamas very much and preferred Florida. Too many alcohol pushers and tip nazis for us.
3. I can't stand when our yard is mowed, but it has not been weed-eaten (is that how you say that???)and I have been known to take scissors out there and do it that way, rather than let them grow wildly. (I know, I'm a freak! I don't know why it bothers me so much!)
4. Forever, I have spelled definitely (definitley) wrong, until recently when Julie told me I do it all the time. Now I spell it right, but it seems wrong and is hard for me to do it correctly. Strange!
5. I think I have the ugliest knees, and they are covered at all times, except in a swim suit, and if their was a way to cover them then, then I would!
6. I can somewhat play the piano, but really I can only do it if the keys are marked with the notes. I had to write the notes on a piece of tape, and tape it to each key so I can plunk out notes when I need to. Mostly I just have to do it by ear though. I learned some Christmas songs, the Sound of Music, and some other things just by singing it and finding the right note to go with it. Oh, how I wish I could really play the piano!
Here are the people I will tag, sorry if you have already been tagged before!: April, Tara, Christina, Kim, Kelly, Jen
OK, so I could only get 5. Close enough! ***Edited to add, wait, I just found one more! Yippee! Now I followed the rules! Whew!
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