This was someone's plate at our Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. We went over to Lindsay's for the day. We cooked (the boys watched football), ate, planned our Black Friday shopping trip, ate, played games, then ate dessert. Did I mention that eating was involved. LOL!
That morning AJ and Denisee went to help someone move to a new apartment, and then they went to play Turkey Football with other guys from church. AJ locked his keys in his car while they were there, so Den had to bring them back to my house to get keys, take him back to his car, take other guys home, and finally they made it back for Thanksgiving.
I decided that morning to take Family pictures of us, before we ate. Can you believe that we have never had family pictures done? Never! It makes it hard when you are the photographer. You are never IN the pictures. I don't mind that at all. I hate having pictures taken, but i figured it was about time to get some with all of us. Thankfully, I was able to just throw some matching outfits together, and they turned out pretty good. Lindsay had to help of course,but I am happy with them. AJ came late so we didn't get many with him, but enough so we can finally say we have a family picture. :)
Here is a preview of one of me and the boys.
Avery had a Thanksgiving lunch in his class on Monday. It was nice, and there was lots of good food. I took him home early that day, so he wouldn't have to stay for boring nap time. I can't remember what we did though. Hmmmm.
Wednesday Sam had a Thanksgiving breakfast. Here he is eating from the yummy assortment of breakfast foods.
Friday, Lindsay and I got up (not too early) and went shopping for Christmas. We LOVE going shopping the day after Thanksgiving, and most of the stores aren't bad at all. In fact, our brand new Super Target, which we thought would be insane) was like a typical non-busy day. I try and get everything done that one day, but this year I had trouble, and I still have stuff to get. Darn it. I came home and the boys had gotten out all the Christmas stuff and even decorated the tree. Of course I had to move some ornaments around so they weren't all bunched together at the bottom, but it was nice to not have to worry about the tree, and they had fun. Our house is all Christmasy now and we are all excited. I can't wait until Christmas. I am excited about all the stuff I got for them. I can't believe it's December all ready. I know this month will go by so fast, and it will be 2009! Weird!
I am sure this month will be very busy, actually, I know it is, but it will be lots of fun, and will fly by. Yea Christmas!
***Edited to add*****
I just realized I had my days messed up. Tuesday was Sam's Breakfast, then I stayed all day helping his teacher. Wednesday we went and played with some friends at McDonald's. THen we went to Target, but after that we went to the new theater and saw "Bolt!" All 3 of us loved it. It was cute and good. We had a fun day. :) Oh and that night we had fajitas for dinner. Yum, yum. We had a wonderful day off from school. :)
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